Armageddon Now!
The Premillenarian Response to Russia and Israel Since 1917
Dwight Wilson
Institute for Christian Economics (December 1991) 274 + xxxi pages.
Available FREE online

From the Epilogue:

If the premillenarians espouse an interpretation of Scripture that expects a literal, precise fulfillment of prophecy, then one may expect precise, accurate definitions of the fulfillment of those prophecies, or lacking such precision, one may expect an admission of indefiniteness which would at least have the advantage of avoiding false identifications and gross error. The premillenarians’ history, however, is strewn with a mass of erroneous speculations which have undermined their credibility. Sometimes false identifications have been made dogmatically, at other times only as probabilities or possibilities, but the net result has always been the same—an increased skepticism toward pre- millennialism.

Those persons confronted with premillenarians’ presentations need to be conscious of the composite past of prophetic interpretation which has included the following phenomena.

Such loose liberalism when considered as a whole is no more precise than the figurative interpretations of which these literalists are so critical. The breadth of interpretations might even be compared to the obscure, Platonic, allegorical interpretations of the early Greek church fathers.